Club Seat Exeo

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Rear fog light always on

Iniciado por Alex Moise, 07 November 2017 a las 21:11

4 post en este tema

Seat exeo st | Czech Republic | 2

Publicado 07 November 2017 a las 21:11


First of all, sorry for the English, but I don't know Spanish.

I have a small problem and it seems that no one had it before, I couldn't find it.

My rear fog lights are always on (headlights on - of course), I can only dim them at 13% from VCDS.

Can anyone help me with this problem?  

My car - Seat Exeo ST 143 HP caga.


Thank you!

  • Seat exeo | Zaragoza | 6.171

    Publicado 09 November 2017 a las 16:18
    The car is imported or bought in your country as a dealership, because you may have a bad configuration of the country. The car can be configured lighting according to the regulations of each country

    Seat exeo st | Czech Republic | 2

    Publicado 10 November 2017 a las 16:56


    The car is imported from Germany, I checked the configuration with VCDS and is was set for Germany, I set it for ROW (rest of the world) and no changes)

    About the German language, you can write me because my wife knows it 😃


    Seat exeo st | Huelva | 9

    Publicado 13 November 2017 a las 12:54


    wenn die codierung und parametrierung ok sind, dann probiere mal einen anderen Haupt-Lichtschalter aus. Der Ausbau ist relativ einfach. Den Schalter in Stellung "0" erst drücken -gedrückt lassen, nach rechts drehen und ziehen FERTIG!!

    Viel Glück

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