Club Seat Exeo

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hi from scotland

Iniciado por jakey boy, 22 August 2013 a las 21:11

5 post en este tema

Seat exeo | United Kingdom | 1

Publicado 22 August 2013 a las 21:11

hi folks, first up I love your site, but as I speak no English I can only enjoy the pictures 😞 like many I really love my exeo but there over in the uk they are very rare and we don't really have a forum for them. I have a 2010 seat exeo sport in white with the 143bhp diesel engine. from the factory it has the 20mm eibach / sport springs, winter pack ( needed in Scotland ! ) and solar panel sunroof ( very rare in the uk ) it has the following modifications; de - badged chrome exhaust cover badge less grill copied from this site  ok standard 18 inch wheels painted metallic black and more recently I've added bilstein shocks and H&R springs which lower it around 40mm and yesterday I bought silver BBS RH replica wheels in 18 inch. i'll post pictures when I find out how. many thanks for looking and apologies for my lack of Spanish

  • Seat Exeo ST sport 143 | Asturias | 2.061

    Publicado 03 September 2013 a las 17:26

    Welcome!! We are waiting to see your machine in some photos. Enjoy this site and remember that you always can use Google translator  que bueno Regards

    No importa si ganas por un segundo o por una milla, ganar es ganar

    Seat exeo | Jaén | 1.455

    Publicado 21 September 2013 a las 18:18

    welcome to the club here you will find everything what you need regarding our cars and when it could a few photos of the bug

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