Club Peugeot 308cc

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voz candente/sizzling voice

Iniciado por southbreath, 13 November 2010 a las 14:10

4 post en este tema

Peugeot 308 CC | 2

Publicado 13 November 2010 a las 14:10

Hello! I am Matthew from Slovenia and drive 308cc 2.0hdi. I have a problem, namely when the car is cold and when I  accelerates 1,2,3 I hear sizzling sound in the cabin  and I wonder what could be wrong. I would ask you if you can answer in English. Thanks!

  • Peugeot 308cc | Madrid | 349

    Publicado 15 November 2010 a las 9:07

    Is the sound that you say like a buzz when you accelerate? Also it happens to me and is because the turbo is cold. After a little bit it does not sound already.

    Peugeot 308 cc | Luxemburgo | 10.799

    Publicado 16 November 2010 a las 8:56

    Ese Jaker ese Jaker eh, eh! ajjaaj Welcome to the club Southbreath! Feel free to join us and show us a pics of your ride. Don't worry about the lang, we will try to answer you in english, but then you will need to understand us 🤣 😃

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