


ango ha contestado en Can I buy a Audi A4 (B7) rims/weels for winter tire set?


I think that these kind of wheels are completely compatible with our cars.

But, in order to be sure, I think that you should check:

1.-Rims size (you can check in your car documents the authorized sizes).

2.-Type and number of screws.

It's probable that the rimm is the same of Audi.

an OZ racing check mark that the rims is the same of Audi but non tell me what kind of Audi.



ango ha contestado en warm up 2.0 tdi 105 Kw engine in 2 step

Hi Ilario,

I have a seat exeo with 143cv ...I didn´t took atention on the heat temperature indicator... I will study and coment to you but think that could be normal

But on the other hand, I have written in other chapter about a strange noise that usually appears in low gears. In my case is mainly in second gear,(while I am dicreasing the speed) and in the back side of the car... other guys coment that the noise is like metallic and when they push the gas; other guy coment when they are in gear "R"  but in my case is a low noise as I have somethign untighten inside the car. Have you heard something as I told?

We will keep in contact,


Ola Pedro,

If you describe exactly the situation when you hear this noise i can repeat with my car and check if my car have this noise too.

By your description I can undesteand who not it's.

It's non probable that your problem is an engine problem or a gear problem, because you hear ti in any gear (if is a engine problem) and indipendent to gas aperture if the problem is in the gearbox.

By your description i think that may be a exaust system it can be a silencer internal sheet brake or not weld.

or it can be (more probable) some aluminum sheet (for heat protection) between exaust system and car frame not correctly fixed to car frame.

It can be so the exaust system with his vibration impact to car frame or intermediate aluminum sheet

Have you checked this point?



ango ha contestado en warm up 2.0 tdi 105 Kw engine in 2 step

In this days I' have make more attention to tempereture indicator in the warm up period. If i move the car in the plain street (the other example is first 2 km of uphill, then 4 km in downhill) the temperature going to 50° to 90° gradually. but the distance to be nedeed to heat qater at 90°C is abouth 6-8 Km with 12-14 °C of external temperature and with a soft drive. to you needed more KM for heat water? or our exeo warmin up in 2/3 Km? Thank Ilario


ango ha contestado en Bluetooth connection is mono or A2DP stereo?

Thanks to us! Iersterday I'have visit the car buyer, and he told to me that he can take the car in abouth 10 days. I undestand that the bluetooth protocoll is anabled only for telephone communication. My hope is that the radio is conected with a phone like a headset. In this case it's possible use a telephone like a mp3 player. But this is a not this tipe of connection and the authorized audio stream it's only a telephone conversation. Thank to all for the test! Ilario


ango ha contestado en my new exeo

this week my car is in a commercial center for exposition.

here they are some images of it.

Of course, when the car is in my hands, I'll post some better pictures!

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El 22 de Febrero de 2011 ImageShack cambió sus politicas, impidiendo que los usuarios que no tuvieran cuenta en su sitio pudieran ver las imágenes subidas en sus servidores.
Para evitar problemas similares en el futuro, por favor subid siempre vuestras fotos y archivos directamente al Club Seat Exeo.

ango ha contestado en El Exeo en las revistas

Gracias boker, muy atento.

Boker, welcome to the club and feel free to speak in italian if you prefer, I think that more people will understand you if you do it in italian than in english

Va bene proviamo con l'italiano!

Riuscite a capirlo veramente? Le due lingue sono simili, ma certi termini che si assomigliano hanno significati diversi, e quindi creano confusione.

Ad esempio capite la frase che ho appena scritto?

O.K. I speak in italian too!

Do you really understand italian? the two languages are similar, but some words are similar, but have different meanings, so they can be confused.

You understand this italian period?



ango ha contestado en El Exeo en las revistas

Hi Ilario and welcome! I can see the trouble and I have uploaded all files in another server (MediaFire). I hope you can download and enjoy it.



Hello Jesús!

I have just downloaded all file from new link.

Thank You so much for your help!

Now the problem is read article... but fortunately italian is similar to spanish, and the number is number  ;D So I should understand something.




ango ha contestado en El Exeo en las revistas

Buenas! Os dejo con algunas pruebas y comparativas que tengo por aquí en formato PDF.

Comparativa Seat Exeo - Peugeot 407 - Opel Insignia (Car and Driver): https://rapidshare.com/files/230754301/exeo407insignia2.pdf.html

Comparativa Seat Exeo vs. Opel Insignia (Auto Bild): https://rapidshare.com/files/231097131/autobild_comparativaexeovsinsignia.pdf.html

Contacto Seat Exeo (Motor 16): https://rapidshare.com/files/231456824/exeomotor16.pdf.html

Espero que os guste,


Hi boys!

i'm italian and my english is not well!

I'm intrested to buy a new Seat, and I'd like read the comparation linked in this thread.

But when i clik on the link, rapid share tell that the number of maxiun download (10) is make, so now is d'ont possible download this article.

Is possible linked this article directly on forum server?


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El 31 de Marzo de 2015 RapidShare cerró definitivamente, por lo que se perdieron todos estos archivos.
Para evitar problemas similares en el futuro, por favor subid siempre vuestras fotos y archivos directamente al Club Seat Exeo.
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