Greetings from Turkey.
Iniciado por Bosphorus, 27 October 2010 a las 14:51
Seat Exeo | 280
Yes, there is. You could find some accessories in this web: This website is in Spanish, but I'm sure that you should understand the goods, due to the fact that the web is added with pictures and it is easy to find what you are looking for. I understood that the prices are the SEAT's target price (but It may be sure higher than this) When you write ten post in the "foro" (forum) you could find out another hidden "sub-foro" with documentation (Technical forum). There, you have software applications for your Pc, about every parts of the car and the correct way to disassembly the parts, the way to add some function with a VAG wire...but the post are in perfect Spanish (We're sorry) but ther are some applications in English, Deutsch... In the "foro" supporters ("patrocinadores" in Spanish), you could find some people who works with SEAT's accessories and I'ts possible they give you some documentations and offers from Barcelona and Madrid. Wellcome Bosphorus!!
Seat Exeo | 280
If you're looking for suppliers in this web you must look for into the forum PATROCINADORES when you are there, you have to follow the forum by: TAES MOTOR (Barcelona) SEALCO S.A. (Madrid)