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Ambient LEDs and new reading light above back seat

Iniciado por McDonald, 17 July 2011 a las 21:25

4 post en este tema

Seat Exeo | 26

Publicado 17 July 2011 a las 21:25

Hopefully somebody here can translate this to Spanish, because I don't speak/write Spanish and don't like to use Google for it.

To have ambient LED's above the back seat we need a new lamp unit.

What do we need?

Lamp unit in correct colour:

- 8E0 947 111 A 9NQ (grey silver)

- 8E0 947 111 A 8C1 (torrone beige)

LED unit:

- 8E0 919 063 A

The lamp unit comes with 2 bulbs (Ba9s).

The LED's of the ambient LED unit are used only and not the black plastic housing, because the LED's are not straight in housing.

Drill 2 holes of 3mm.

Distance between the 2 holes is 20mm and they're 15mm away from the edge.

Use some glue for mounting and securing the 2 LED's.

Replaced the bulbs for the reading lights with LED's if you want.


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  • Seat Exeo | Madrid | 16.784

    Publicado 17 July 2011 a las 21:38

    Thanks for the work. I don't know if this one is posted here in this forum, but I saw it in AudiSport-Iberica, and the result was really awesome. Thanks one more time for it. I'll translate the step-by-step right now. Regards.

    Vengan los que vengan, siempre seremos uno menos

    Seat Exeo | Madrid | 16.784

    Publicado 17 July 2011 a las 21:43

    A ver, os traduzco. El brico es para montar en el plafón trasero unas luces de LED rojas para crear ambiente atrás, igual que alante. Yo en su momento lo miré para el A4, pero al final lo fui dejando y no se lo hice, pero es algo que puede estar muy bien, porque crea una luz tenue y agradable sin molestar al conductor. Os traduzco: Qué necesitamos?? Unidad de luces en el color correcto: - 8E0 947 111 A 9NQ (grey silver) - 8E0 947 111 A 8C1 (torrone beige) LED: - 8E0 919 063 A El paquete éste último de LED viene con dos bombillas, justo lo que necesitamos. Los LED's de la unidad de ambiente se usan fuera de sus alojamientos de plástico, porque no encajan en dichos alojamientos. Taladramos 2 agujeros de 3mm. La distancia entre ambos agujeros es de 20mm y están 15mm hacia el interior del borde. Usamos algún tipo de pegamento para montar y fijar los dos LED's. Ya que estás, cambia las bombillas de lectura con LED's si quieres. Luego las imágenes no os las traduzco, que paso :P Un saludo!

    Vengan los que vengan, siempre seremos uno menos

    Seat Exeo | 26

    Publicado 17 July 2011 a las 22:07

    Many thanks for the translation!! Somebody on a Dutch Seat-forum started about this modification, but was unsure about the part numbers. After I had the correct part numbers I started the modification. Me and other Exeo drivers have used some of the modifications, hints and tips from this forum. So now it's time to give something back!

    Seat Exeo | Madrid | 16.784

    Publicado 17 July 2011 a las 23:29

    Thanks again for this modification. A cheap and easy one. Regards!

    Vengan los que vengan, siempre seremos uno menos

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