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Hello - Thomas and his Exeo ST from Austria

Iniciado por pirate man, 05 December 2015 a las 20:22

20 post en este tema

Seat Exeo ST | 9

Publicado 05 December 2015 a las 20:22

Hello guys,

first I have to say sorry that I write in English.
I am from Austria and the only way for me to read in this board is translating the whole site with a translating tool in my browser. Thats the only method too for me writing in Spanish. So I think it's easier to read for you when I write in English cause the automated translations are horrible most time. My English is not perfect but better than the translations by Google 😉

My name is Thomas, 30 years old and as written before I come from Austria.
Since over four years I drive an Emotion Red Seat Exeo ST Sport from 2009. It has the 143 HP 2.0 TDI engine which is not good for the ambience as we know since a few weeks 😉

I love unobtrusive modifing my car. It shouldn't look like a car its driver is an 18-years-old poser but I want that differences to other Exeos are apparent.

There are many changes I have made, it's a long list as you can see below:

8x18" black front-polished S5 design
a few covers in the engine bay from the Audi A4
Osram Diadem for the indicator light
Osram Nightbreaker Plus for the fog lamps
LED backlights from 2011 model
LED lighting for interior and license plate
Osram Cool Blue Intense 5000K xenon lamps
exhaust tailpipe from Skoda Yeti
windscreen shading with Suntek 24% slide
front grill from facelift model
subwoofer from Audi A4
removable towing hitch
roof spoiler from aerodynamik kit
front lights from facelift model
front spring plate from Audi A4 B5

At the moment a big question mark is about the issue what to do with the suspension.
My Exeo has the original sport suspension (- 20 mm) with the optical hanging rear axle like the Audis have it too. So at front came the spring plate from the Audi A4 B5 to lower the front axle at about 15 mm. It's a popular method in the audi scene for A4 B6 and B7.
So my lowering at the moment is 35/20 when you take the standard suspension to compare. The distance from middle of the wheel to the edge of the car wing is 345 mm at the front axle and 350 mm at the rear axle. It doesn't look very low but sometimes I have problems when driving over brake bumps e.g. in car parks to drive slower. When I pass over and the front tyres roll down of it I hear Exeo's base plate touch the bump.

The optic now is better than before but finally I'm not happy with the result yet. The front is a little more lower than the rear. It would by nice when the rear is also more low than now.
To more lower my Exeo I have a Eibach Pro-Kit 40/30 at home since one year but don't know if it would by clever to installed it cause of the problem told above. With this springs the front would come down 5 mm and the rear 10 mm. So both axles would by high/low similar.
Another possibility is to install the popular Eibach Pro-Kit 30/30. With this kit (and reinstall the original spring plates) the front would be 5 mm higher and the rear 10 mm lower than now. So the optical hanging rear axle from the original sport suspension would be back.

In spring the next change will be new rims cause after four sommer seasons I can't see my black front-polished S5 Design any more. The new rims will be the 10-spokes-design originally known from the Audi RS4 B8. Long time I thougt about 19 inch but I think for this size the lowering must be more then mine and the comfort of 19 inch wheels is presumably tidy less than with 18 inch wheels.
What you recommend 19 inch or better stay with 18 inch?

At the end of my presentation I will post some pictures of my Exeo and there you can see a fake with the new rims. One of the two fakes additionally includes how it would look in combination with lowering with 40/30 springs such as written before.

I hope reading my English is not to difficult for you and would be happy some of you tell me if my Exeo appeals or not 😉
Relating to the issue with other springs I hope you tell me what I should do.

So, I think for the first time it was enough I've posted, hopefully not to much to read for you 😉

Concluding here are some pictures of my Exeo, so you have some optical facts for the long text above 😃






  • Seat exeo tdi | Álava | 11.786

    Publicado 05 December 2015 a las 20:34

    Bienvenido al club ok

    Buena presentacion con fotos y todo bravobravo... es si, con mi corto ingles, he entendido la mitad ups

    Un saludo 

    Siempre estaras entre nosotros German

    Seat Exeo ST sport 143 | Asturias | 2.061

    Publicado 05 December 2015 a las 20:57

    Welcome, you have a nice Exeo!

    If you check my gallery you can see my combination of suspension:

    original sport + seat sport spring from seat accesories catalogue + b5 plates in the front axle

    As you tell in your presentation I have the same problems like you, I hear the base plate touch when I turn the steering wheel, and I have problems when I try to drive inside a parking.

    My front axle is only 5 mm lower than the rear axle.


    No importa si ganas por un segundo o por una milla, ganar es ganar

    Seat Exeo | Pontevedra | 581

    Publicado 06 December 2015 a las 10:53

    Hello, Welcome to the club, great car and colour, visit bricos section...

  • Seat Exeo st | Madrid | 159

    Publicado 06 December 2015 a las 16:41

    Welcome; beatiful car!! Lo tienes muy bonito

    Seat exeo. | La Coruña | 183

    Publicado 07 December 2015 a las 10:14

    Welcome to the club!!!.Bienvenido!!


    Seat Exeo ST | 9

    Publicado 07 December 2015 a las 16:20

    Oh, I just saw that I made a mistake with using this thread?
    Here I should only introduce myself and for my Exeo it would be better start a topic in the gallery area.
    Is it right? Shall I edit this thread so only infos about me are here and open a new thread in gallery with all infos and photos of my Exeo?

    Seat exeo blanco | Cantabria | 885

    Publicado 08 December 2015 a las 17:00

    Welcome to the club.

    install your Eibach Pro-Kit 40/30 with the original plates (or try first with b5)...

    I have a coilover -6cm (in both with serial plates) and i dont have any problems... with 19 inch (wheels).

  • Seat exeo tdi | Álava | 11.786

    Publicado 08 December 2015 a las 18:24

    Oh, I just saw that I made a mistake with using this thread?
    Here I should only introduce myself and for my Exeo it would be better start a topic in the gallery area.
    Is it right? Shall I edit this thread so only infos about me are here and open a new thread in gallery with all infos and photos of my Exeo?

    You can rest easy, no need to edit this topic. If you want, you can open a new topic in to upload all the pictures you want ok

    Ya puedes perdonar por mi ingles del traductor de google ups

    Un saludo

    Siempre estaras entre nosotros German

    Seat Exeo ST | 9

    Publicado 08 December 2015 a las 22:19

    @ Rmoreno

    I've think about since one year. Often I said "yes, I will do it 100%", then I think "no better not".
    With the Eibach 40/30 and original plates my Exeo should come 5 mm lower than now, thats why I'm not sure to do that. And when I think now I'm touching speed bumps and then 5 mm lower with the Eibach springs ???
    The second thing is that I think about the snow. We don't often have snow cause I don't live in Austrian alps but when then it could be amount.

    Which kind of 19" do you have? 225 or 235 tires? 235 are a little bit higher and you win 5 mm of chassis clearance.
    I only have 225/40R18.

    @ Jhebo

    No problem, I can read it 😉

    Seat exeo st | Vizcaya | 9.518

    Publicado 13 December 2015 a las 19:16

    You´re Welcome Pirate man

    Enjoy your beautiful Exeo and also this Club

    Good choice the ST 

    "La grandeza de una nación y su progreso moral puede ser juzgado por la forma en que sus animales son tratados."


    Seat exeo | Valencia | 6.442

    Publicado 05 January 2016 a las 13:31


    born to lose ,  live to win

    No tiene coche | Guatemala | 1

    Publicado 21 December 2020 a las 2:05

    Решила настрочить в ветку форума, прошу камнями не закидывать, Вашему вниманию сайт: [url=]порно[/url] на ночь короче посмотреть ) Надеюсь понравится он =)

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