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Peugeot 308CC Summer
This is a test of the "Überroll-Schutzsystem" on a 2001 BMW 330Ci Convertible. it's quite amazing. It is released via magnetic energization when the vehicle exhibits a possible rollover situation.
Watch the active Roll-Over Protection Bar System in action.
Ante las inclemencias meteorológicas el RACE recuerda a los conductores la necesidad de equipar en el vehículo elementos de seguridad que nos permitan circular sin riesgos.
from the Geneva Motor Show 2K6
Peugeot 407 Macarena 2.2 HDI, Cabrio
Parodia del anuncio del coche Dacia Logan
Como sacar Pomo y Funda del cambio de marcha del Peugeot 207. Espero que sirva 😉
Instalación del antipinchazos de última generacion Carbonflex en el coche de nuestro querido presentador Juanjo
AR.Free Flight App for iPhone/iPod touch running on Apple iPad. Shot at Parrot offices Watch all Parrot AR.Drone movies: http://www.youtube.com/ARdrone Follow AR.Drone on: http://www.twitter.com/ardrone B...
Parrot shows me their AR.Drone, a quadricopter that can be controlled by iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. It even has two cameras that can broadcast the images back to the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. AR.Drone gen...
Hi. This is my newest video of my parrot ar.drone. Filmed with my keycam. This is for me my new flight height record. Please take a look at around 4:00 What do you think about the height and what could it be?...
www.mofler.com Probando el AR-Drone. Para la proxima buscare otro programa que no pixele la imagen tanto
Peugeot 308 CC 1.6 THP 150 CV: - Silencioso Trasero Deportivo Redondo Duramás - Silencioso Intermedio Deportivo Duramás
Peugeot 308 CC 1.6 THP 150 CV: - Silencioso Trasero Deportivo Redondo Duramás - Silencioso Intermedio Deportivo Duramás
Peugeot 308 CC 1.6 THP 150 CV: - Silencioso Trasero Deportivo Redondo Duramás - Silencioso Intermedio Deportivo Duramás
http://www.euroncap.com/tests/peugeot_308cc_2008/336.aspx Frontal Impact takes place at 64 Km/h, 40% of the width of the car striking a deformable barrier. In the side impact, a mobile deformable barrier impa...
www.mofler.com 7ª Quedada del club308cc en la ciudad de Zaragoza. Organizador: DjVasallo. Asistentes: Subzero / Josito_cc / Almu / David / Gerardo / DjVasallo / Montse / Aldavid / Albi / Yolanda / Samu / Veron...
Kompletný test: http://www.topspeed.sk/test-peugeot-308-cc/3114 Aký je mnohostranný Peugeot 308 CC? Ako si vedie v porovnaní s konkurenciou ako Focus CC, Megane CC a VW EOS?
Volkswagen's Golf Cabriolet celebrated its comeback this summer. But how does it measure up against the competition? drive it! compared the convertible with Peugeot's 308cc and the BMW's 1 Series convertible. The...